How Google SEO is Different From Other SEO

How Google SEO is Different From Other SEO, Such as Bing or Amazon

In the ever-evolving world of SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Google holds the undisputed crown. With a huge market share, most of SEO services focused on Google SEO, but in this blog we want to discuss how Google SEO is different from the next leading search engine and Amazon marketplace. For some people it may come as a surprise that there other types of SEO, they can think that SEO is just for general searches. While optimizing your website will help you rank in any search engine, Google and Bing have different algorithms and priorities. While Bing and Amazon each have their own SEO considerations, optimizing for Google offers a unique set of challenges and rewards. Let’s dive into the key differences that make Google SEO stand out.

1. Search Engine Dominance:

  • Google: The undisputed king of search, accounting for a staggering 92.05% global market share according to Statcounter (January 2024). This immense user base makes Google SEO a priority for businesses seeking maximum online visibility. That’s why most people simply focus on Google. If we are talking about USA, then we almost can disregard other search engines. Other regions, such as China or Russia, can have their own search engines (Baidu and Yandex)
  • Bing: A distant second with a 3.09% global market share. While Bing SEO can be relevant for specific audiences, its reach pales in comparison to Google. Also, again if we talk about USA, this may not even be worth the effort to focus on the Bing.
  • Amazon: An established marketplace with its own internal search engine. Amazon SEO focuses on optimizing product listings for discoverability within the platform, not on general web searches. However, Amazon is so big that if your business is a product that you want to sell, just focusing on Amazon itself can make your business thriving.

2. Algorithmic Complexity:

  • Google: Employs a notoriously complex algorithm, nicknamed “RankBrain,” to determine search results. This algorithm considers hundreds (it is over 200) of ranking factors, including content quality, backlinks, and user engagement. Staying ahead of Google’s algorithm updates requires constant adaptation and a deep understanding of its intricacies. This is a secret and the exact formula is not given, rather SEO experts experiment with it and list top ranking factors. You can find Google guideline in this article.
  • Bing: Uses a simpler algorithm compared to Google. While backlinks and keyword relevance still play a role, Bing SEO tends to be less competitive and easier to master. According to Ignite Visibility, Bing focuses more on exact matches in domain names and keywords, while Google focuses on content usefulness, relevancy and quality. Also, Bing said to be prioritizing older website, while Google prioritize fresher content.
  • Amazon: Focuses heavily on keyword optimization within product listings and user engagement metrics like click-through rates and conversion rates. Understanding user behavior within the platform is crucial for Amazon SEO success.

3. User Intent and Focus:

  • Google: Prioritizes delivering the most relevant and informative results to user queries. Google SEO involves understanding user intent and crafting content that not only includes relevant keywords but also addresses the user’s specific information needs. Google also does lots of suggestions for a user and becoming increasingly hard to please, as Google would panish so-called black hat SEO.
  • Bing: Places greater emphasis on exact keyword matches. While user intent is still a factor, Bing SEO might prioritize pages with a higher keyword density compared to Google. So with Bing would be easier to do such practises as keyword stuffing.
  • Amazon: Focuses on showcasing the most appealing and relevant products to Amazon users. Amazon SEO requires optimizing product listings with relevant keywords, high-quality product images, and competitive pricing.

4. Backlink Strategies:

  • Google: Highly values high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites. Earning backlinks through organic content creation and guest blogging is a cornerstone of Google SEO strategy. Backlinks are just like words of mouth in the SEO world. You can read more about backlinks in our recent blog.
  • Bing: Backlinks remain essential for Bing SEO, but the emphasis is less stringent. A combination of high-quality and relevant backlinks can be effective, but quantity is still very much a factor for Bing.
  • Amazon: Backlinks don’t play a significant role in Amazon SEO. The platform prioritizes internal linking within the marketplace and user engagement metrics.

While Bing and Amazon SEO cater to specific audiences and platforms, Google SEO offers the potential for unparalleled online visibility. We all know this relatively new created verb ‘googling’ which is synonym to searching something on the internet. Besides, there are significant overlap in both search engines optimization techniques, so optimizing for one will check many boxes for the other one.

If you have a budget to optimizing for both search engines then go for it. For smaller and local businesses, this small percentage will be less visible. But if your website have millions of users a year, then every percent matters.

AI entered the scene recently and in full speed. Google was making a lot of adjustments in 2023 to address all the AI created content. With such tools as Chat GPT and Google’s Gemini, it became extremely easy to crank out tons of content and that was increasingly becoming a problem. It is very hard to break thru all the content that was mass produced using AI. Just recently in March of 2024, Google releases yet another major update addressing low quality and spammy content. The bottom line is: Quality over quantity.

Understanding the nuances of Google’s algorithm, user intent, and backlink strategies is crucial for conquering the world’s most dominant search engine. Staying on top of the algorithm updates are also very important. By prioritizing high-quality content, user experience, and staying updated with Google’s evolving algorithms, businesses can establish a strong presence and attract a wider audience through the power of Google SEO.

If you need help navigating world of SEO, Cape and Plymouth SEO offer full range of marketing services from social media to brand building. Contact us for a free consultation and website assessment.